AU Advance Team Pays Courtesy Call on CJ
Hon. Justice Katureebe with Mr. Diallo (R), head of delegation
KAMPALA: An advance team from the African Court on Human and People's Rights paid a courtesy call on the Chief Justice, Hon. Justice Bart M. Katureebe.
The four-member team, which was led by the Court's Deputy Registrar, Mr Nouhou Diallo, are on a four-day visit to assess the preparations ahead of the African Union Fourth Judicial Dialogue.
The Dialogue will be held in Uganda between October 30 and November 1, 2019.
The Chief Justice informed the team that the Judiciary had already written a brief to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs about the upcoming Dialogue.
He said this would enable the Ministry to write a cabinet paper and raise the matter before cabinet for approval as well as identify the financial implications for Uganda.
Courtesies to be offered by Ugandan Government include Inland Transport, Security,Protocol, and Translation among others.
The team inspected the proposed venue for the Dialogue and are set to meet the Steering Committee and the Chief Registrar on the way forward.
According to Mr. Diallo, the Dialogue will host 250 delegates mainly Chief Justices and presidents of Constitutional Courts in African Union States.
Posted 26th, August 2019